
Three Months After The Turbulence Day

  It's been some time since the turbulence day when his betrayal occurred. Yes, I want to focus on mending my broken heart. Yet I also want him to see and fix the damage he made. But I know better what he's capable of. And he is not capable of fixing it. He can't even fix his life. Otherwise, he will still be able to meet Selva. I've been jumping around. Moving out from place to place. Juggling between jobs. Still waking up with chest pain. Still wanna disappear. I'm not getting better. I'm just pretending. I'm not okay

Should I go or should I stay

Mind your own business

Dari pizza ke onigiri

Fake it, but will u make it?

It's the heart that really matters in the end

Berbeda-beda tapi tetap kudu ikut suara mayoritas

What's done is done

Hidup gak cuma selebar layar monitor

I was...

Innocent until proven guilty

I see my death

It’s just that my personality goes good then bad, so what!

It was Just My Imagination

Sleepless Night

Stay Anonymous

mosi tidak percaya

Sepenggal cerita di ujung hari

Stop being yourself. Be original.

Personal Quote

Did you found it, yet?

Kerak Telor Buat Babeh

Komentator emang paling pinter

I love Summer, I hate Summer

Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk

Family Dining Time

Late Night Story

My late confession, can you hear it?

A Powerful Man Who is Hard to Resist

Fully Distraction