Apa Kabar, Bo?

  Apa kabar, Bo? Kemarin saya ke Gramedia. Sanctuary saya pas jaman SD. Dulu waktu Hero Swalayan masih ada di Gatot Subroto. Biasanya saya ke sana setelah ngumpulin duit jajan seminggu dan bisa buat beli komik. Ngga seperti sekarang, dulu banyak komik yang sampul plastiknya terbuka, jadi saya puas-puasin baca sebelum akhirnya beli cuma satu.  Jaman itu majalah Bobo tidak setipis sekarang. Apalagi pas edisi khusus, tebalnya bisa ngalahin kamus. Hahaha, bercanda ya, Bo. Bobo benar-benar teman bermain dan belajar saya, ada beberapa dongeng dunia yang sampai detik ini saya masih ingat. Ada juga dongeng lokal yang jadi favorit saya. Mungkin penulis Bobo sudah lupa, ada sebuah cerpen, yang memuat cerita ibu petani yang asik bekerja hingga anaknya kelaparan. Saya ingat ada syairnya: tingting gelinting, perutku sudah genting, kelaparan mau makan. Saya kemudian meniru syair tersebut dan dimarahin Mama. Beliau bilang, ngga pantas didenger orang. Oh ya, Bo. Mama adalah orang yang berjasa...

Midnight Doctor 12

I was waiting the doctor anxiously.
I've been in this state since last weekend and it didnt stop.
I'm going wild.
'Hey, unlike you to show up without appointment,' the doctor smirks at my appearance.
I smile.
'So, wanna talk?'
'I'm not comfortable with this topic, Doc.'
'Okay. Now did you get enough sleep? Eat well? Still doing yoga and taekwondo?'
'Hahaha easy, Doc,'
'Hm, you're fun. Very unlike you. That's make me worry, actually.'
I smile. Weaker.
'Only slept 3 hours. Eat everything or didn't eat at all. Work out much.'
The doctor writes it down. And waiting for me to continue.
'We're usually talk about love. You don't wanna talk about it? Everything's good?'
'Yeah. It just...'
'Still got that thought?'
'Means your life's good?'
'I was too careless lately. I let people touch me without barriers. And I hate myself after that.'
The doctor knew what I mean right away. We already talked about this years ago.
'I know why I push people away. Yes, I don't wanna get hurt. But more than that. I don't wanna hurt them. Like giving false hope.
'Or, I'm afraid people will take advantage from my condition. From my unable to control things when I'm in manic.'
The doctor's picking words carefully.
'Shin. This drives when you're on manic could lead you into mistakes you'll regret. I knew you. And we agreed that this is not yourself, right?
'So if you unwilling to take on medicine, I suggest you told your condition to friends and family who will help you to control yourself.
'We don't want this to ruin your future, right? Or your heart. Or your head. Or your social scenes.'
People or medicine. Tough call. Once I told some friends. Only one who believes I got a condition. The rest thought I made things up.
Medicine is awfull. I can't take it.
The doctor looks me closely. And really can't find the usual me.
These days. I was living a nightmare. Playing with fires. The only wayout is,
'I'll take the medicine. But not for long run. I need to switch my head off a little bit. I might be dull. But it's for everybody's sake. For me. I need to protect myself from my brain.
'Hahaha, ironic. I need to protect myself from my brain.'
