Apa Kabar, Bo?

  Apa kabar, Bo? Kemarin saya ke Gramedia. Sanctuary saya pas jaman SD. Dulu waktu Hero Swalayan masih ada di Gatot Subroto. Biasanya saya ke sana setelah ngumpulin duit jajan seminggu dan bisa buat beli komik. Ngga seperti sekarang, dulu banyak komik yang sampul plastiknya terbuka, jadi saya puas-puasin baca sebelum akhirnya beli cuma satu.  Jaman itu majalah Bobo tidak setipis sekarang. Apalagi pas edisi khusus, tebalnya bisa ngalahin kamus. Hahaha, bercanda ya, Bo. Bobo benar-benar teman bermain dan belajar saya, ada beberapa dongeng dunia yang sampai detik ini saya masih ingat. Ada juga dongeng lokal yang jadi favorit saya. Mungkin penulis Bobo sudah lupa, ada sebuah cerpen, yang memuat cerita ibu petani yang asik bekerja hingga anaknya kelaparan. Saya ingat ada syairnya: tingting gelinting, perutku sudah genting, kelaparan mau makan. Saya kemudian meniru syair tersebut dan dimarahin Mama. Beliau bilang, ngga pantas didenger orang. Oh ya, Bo. Mama adalah orang yang berjasa...

What You Think You Know About Broken Heart

You know the story. A boy met girl, chased her, loved her, ignored her, and they broke up. I've been in that same old story, but always failed to see when did it went wrong. Was that I was that him, was that the timing or we're actually just playing. I never knew until now. The last time he called was to invite me to his wedding, 5 years after I weeping over him for chasing me for no reason, and leaving me when I was madly in love with him.

I wasn't ready. I was only twenty.

I never am the pretty girl, but boys frequently asking me out. Even I wear my heart on my sleeve, I knew we're only flirting. Whoever falls in love first, lose.

Love is addictive. Lovers fail to aware that they've become a junkie. Sometimes it never the person, it was the chemistry in your brain telling your body to crave for your partner. That's when you need a fix.

Until one of them decides they wanna quit. You'd think the one who calls it quit wasn't hurt, but they did. In breaking up, both parties would be hurt. Sometimes it hurts a lot that you running back to your partner. Little we know, it never the person, the love is gone, but habits, who can change their habits in a blink of an eye?

I'm the one who calls it quit, 2 weeks ago. After one month contemplation, after years of wrongdoing. Because his sorry never meant that you regret your action, it's only lip service to make yourself feel better.

I'm the one who left. Still, I'm crying blood, weeping for him. My heart's aching, brain's numbing. Tears flooding. I was screaming.

And I'm looking at him. He was fine. Like the boy from my twenties. The boys were fine. Why?

When I was disastrous, why they are fine? How they still can playing basketball, pouring some good coffee, picking their guitars, how can they do that?

At first, those questions came out in an angry manner. Like 'I can't believe you're doing fine after our separation. Am I a joke to you?'. Then a depress call, 'Was I ever loved by you?' (yes it a song, don't sing it). A realization came last. That's their way to fix their broken heart. By numbing their senses.

I know a guy who shattered when his girl left him. I know a guy who drinks to die when his girl left him. I know a guy who becomes a complete nutball. All because of the break-up.

I know the theory. I know the drill. Still, I'm a broken heart.

I told him twice, I don't want him back. My heart understands. The brain has its own way to cope. We hurt each other. I kill his love for me. All excuses were only excuses. I was in love and be loved. It's over now.

Whoever stays in love last, lose.
