Apa Kabar, Bo?

  Apa kabar, Bo? Kemarin saya ke Gramedia. Sanctuary saya pas jaman SD. Dulu waktu Hero Swalayan masih ada di Gatot Subroto. Biasanya saya ke sana setelah ngumpulin duit jajan seminggu dan bisa buat beli komik. Ngga seperti sekarang, dulu banyak komik yang sampul plastiknya terbuka, jadi saya puas-puasin baca sebelum akhirnya beli cuma satu.  Jaman itu majalah Bobo tidak setipis sekarang. Apalagi pas edisi khusus, tebalnya bisa ngalahin kamus. Hahaha, bercanda ya, Bo. Bobo benar-benar teman bermain dan belajar saya, ada beberapa dongeng dunia yang sampai detik ini saya masih ingat. Ada juga dongeng lokal yang jadi favorit saya. Mungkin penulis Bobo sudah lupa, ada sebuah cerpen, yang memuat cerita ibu petani yang asik bekerja hingga anaknya kelaparan. Saya ingat ada syairnya: tingting gelinting, perutku sudah genting, kelaparan mau makan. Saya kemudian meniru syair tersebut dan dimarahin Mama. Beliau bilang, ngga pantas didenger orang. Oh ya, Bo. Mama adalah orang yang berjasa...

Smart Gadgets Need Tech Savvy

Yeah im not going to talk about how stupid people acting by using their smartphone. You know, that saying about smartphone, stupid people,sort of. No, this is more basic from that.
I've been met a bunch of people who using Mac just for typing and emailing. What a waste.
I know some people who cant send email with attachment via their BlackBerry.
I know people who can't install Whatsapp by themself.
And yes we have first lady that using latest camera technologies just for Instagram. What a waste, what a waste.

Some words from my favorite manga said: sword are nothing without its beholder. Are you gonna use your samurai to cut turnip?

So goes those people with hi-tech cellphone but use them as Nokia 3315 or treat their Mac as if it's MS-DOS. What a waste.

And what getting my nerves is i work with some of them. If i ask them to send me file, they would say: 'i should open my pc first' then i said: 'what happen to your BlackBerry?' and they answer: 'how to attach file with BlackBerry?' And i just want to send them to 1994, to using their pc to send email. Geez it's 2 decade ago.

And when you can't install Whatsapp by your own... Oh please dont make yourself look stupid. Google first. And those people who didnt know how to start Mac... There's a button, indisguise, behind Mac thing. Push it, and Mac will starts itself.

When you have some sophisticated things on your hand, explore it, use it to the top. Then again, you wont bother your colleagues -me, for this case- because of your lack tech savvy-ness. People need to learn, have to learn, no matter how old or how conservative they are.

You know, there's a thing called Google, stuffed with all information if you know how to hit it. Google before asking wont make you look stupid. Thank you.
