
Saturday is supposed to be fun and the most awaited day of the week. Tapi semua berubah sejak negara api menyerang. Some time months before, gue anxious ketika Sabtu datang. Beda dengan orang-orang yang baru anxious menjelang Senin, dulu gue selalu seneng menjelang Senin karena berarti kerja lagi, Lalu, apa yang gue lakukan untuk membuat Sabtu kembali menyenangkan? Setelah berhasil mengumpulkan energi, Sabtu pertama gue menuruni air terjun. Apakah ini kegilaan atau memang gue sedang membutuhkan distraksi, tapi eksplorasi pertama ini seakan membangunkan gue dari koma panjang bertahun-tahun. Berhari-hari merasakan chest pain, gue kira, umur berhasil mengalahkan kesehatan gue dan mungkin gue juga punya penyakit jantung seperti mama? Pun ketika dibawa menuruni air terjun, nyeri di dada tidak terasa. Memang sudah lama gue curiga itu hanyalah psikosomatik. Efek di badan karena pikiran. Lantas ketika dibawa bertualang, rasa sakit itu justru hilang. Sayangnya efek adrenalin sirna beberapa hari

You'll always be nothing except for a fake

I'll wipe that smile right off of your face,
You'll always be nothing except for a fake.
I'll wipe that smile right off of your face,
I'll carve you a new one with this shiny little blade.
I'll wipe that smile right off of your face,
You'll always be nothing except for a fake.

Let's hope you're not planning on running away from this.
This is all part of it:
What you get for throwing us all to the pack of wolves.

You've got the devil inside of you.

You put fire to everything you touch,
And you walk away while it burns.
This is, this is, this is the story of your life.

Did she turn your heart to black,
Or was it there all along?
Thought we knew who you were; we were wrong.
I hope that this always weighs you down.

You've got the devil inside of you.

Betrayal is only the, the beginning of our story.
Betrayal is only the, the beginning of this story.

You put fire to everything you touch,
And you walk away while it burns.
This is, this is, this is the story of your life.

I'll wipe that smile right off of your face,
You'll always be nothing except for a fake.
I'll wipe that smile right off of your face,
You'll always be nothing except for a fake.

Friends are friends for never!

Betrayal is only the, the beginning of our story.
Betrayal is only the, the beginning of this story.

You put fire to everything you touch,
And you walk away while it burns.
This is, this is, this is the story of...

You put fire to everything you touch,
And you walk away while it burns.
This is, this is, this is the story of your life.

-Greeley Estates says, Friend Are Friend For Never. Enjoy.
