
Saturday is supposed to be fun and the most awaited day of the week. Tapi semua berubah sejak negara api menyerang. Some time months before, gue anxious ketika Sabtu datang. Beda dengan orang-orang yang baru anxious menjelang Senin, dulu gue selalu seneng menjelang Senin karena berarti kerja lagi, Lalu, apa yang gue lakukan untuk membuat Sabtu kembali menyenangkan? Setelah berhasil mengumpulkan energi, Sabtu pertama gue menuruni air terjun. Apakah ini kegilaan atau memang gue sedang membutuhkan distraksi, tapi eksplorasi pertama ini seakan membangunkan gue dari koma panjang bertahun-tahun. Berhari-hari merasakan chest pain, gue kira, umur berhasil mengalahkan kesehatan gue dan mungkin gue juga punya penyakit jantung seperti mama? Pun ketika dibawa menuruni air terjun, nyeri di dada tidak terasa. Memang sudah lama gue curiga itu hanyalah psikosomatik. Efek di badan karena pikiran. Lantas ketika dibawa bertualang, rasa sakit itu justru hilang. Sayangnya efek adrenalin sirna beberapa hari

And I don't care if I show it

It seems like yesterday that my world fell from the sky
It seems like yesterday I didn't know how hard I could cry
It feels like tomorrow I may not get by
But I will try
I will try
Wipe the tears from my eyes

I'm beautifully broken
And I don't mind if you know it
I'm beautifully broken
And I don't care if I show it

Everyday is a new day
I'm reminded of my past
Every time there's another storm
I know that it won't last
Every moment I'm filled with hope 'cause I get another chance
But I will try
I will try
Got nothing left to hide

I'm beautifully broken
And I don't mind if you know it
I'm beautifully broken
And I don't care if i show it

Without the highs and the lows
Where would we go
Where would we go

I'm beautifully broken
And I don't mind if you know it
I'm beautifully broken
And I don't care if i show it

I, I am beautifully broken
I am beautifully broken
I'm beautifully broken
And I don't care if i show it

-not really a good music if u listen to this song. But I feel related with this lyrics. Enjoy Beautifully Broken from Ashlee Simpson.
