Apa Kabar, Bo?

  Apa kabar, Bo? Kemarin saya ke Gramedia. Sanctuary saya pas jaman SD. Dulu waktu Hero Swalayan masih ada di Gatot Subroto. Biasanya saya ke sana setelah ngumpulin duit jajan seminggu dan bisa buat beli komik. Ngga seperti sekarang, dulu banyak komik yang sampul plastiknya terbuka, jadi saya puas-puasin baca sebelum akhirnya beli cuma satu.  Jaman itu majalah Bobo tidak setipis sekarang. Apalagi pas edisi khusus, tebalnya bisa ngalahin kamus. Hahaha, bercanda ya, Bo. Bobo benar-benar teman bermain dan belajar saya, ada beberapa dongeng dunia yang sampai detik ini saya masih ingat. Ada juga dongeng lokal yang jadi favorit saya. Mungkin penulis Bobo sudah lupa, ada sebuah cerpen, yang memuat cerita ibu petani yang asik bekerja hingga anaknya kelaparan. Saya ingat ada syairnya: tingting gelinting, perutku sudah genting, kelaparan mau makan. Saya kemudian meniru syair tersebut dan dimarahin Mama. Beliau bilang, ngga pantas didenger orang. Oh ya, Bo. Mama adalah orang yang berjasa...

Pipiltin Cocoa Chocolate Boutique

Treats or treats?! Coz there's no trick in Pipiltin Cocoa Chocolate Boutique. Wait what? Pipiltin Cocoa Chocolate Boutique? Is there another Pipiltin Cocoa than the one in Barito? Yes, of course ladies and gentlemen. Thing about business is if they didnt grow, then you do it wrong. So after a good time sake in Pipiltin Cocoa Chocolate Factory, they open their new store even closer with us (or me).

Welcoming Pipiltin Cocoa Chocolate Boutique at the very fascinating Senopati street. What's the different? Well, beside their store is shrinking, the interior is more girly than the factory. Full with pastel color and the smell of chocolate. It's more for take away customer, since they re only provide 25 seats all non smoking area.

You might had taste cake in jar, but in this boutique, they have verrine. Price ranges from IDR 45k - 54k. I've tried their Slow Cook Chicken with Iced Dark Cherry Tea, things went well. I can't stop munching their chocolate potato chips that served with chicken warp in something like quesadilla. The pralines are good, you've got 16 choices for this item. And all the cakes and all the macarons, geez stop dieting it will kills you. Eat chocolate!

Pipiltin Cocoa Chocolate Boutique
Jl Senopati no. 27, Kebayoran Baru
012 3644 6914