Read This When You Want To Give Up

 I keep listing the reasons why I can't kill myself. And each day it gets shorter. Still, I live. Liking my job, taking care of others, set goals, and actually achieved it. All while still wanna die. So I try to understand, what's exactly in my brain. What's I'm looking for. What's the drive that gets me up every morning. Why I'm in constant pain. Maybe I'm just dramatic, a little bit melancholy. I know what I want is for the pain to stop. And I need to know where the bleeding is to stop it. What and who hurts me. Or No matter what and who, when and how, I need to accept and forgive. Forgive that I can't change the past, I can't change people. Accept that I only can control myself. To tough up and not let it hurts. Maybe this is not about me. Maybe the what and the who weren't aware that they hurt me. It's like a circle. While they tried to protect themselves, they unintentionally hurt others. The fact that I wanna die since 4th grade and sti

is there other way i can reach you

Life gives me lemons. Dan lagu-lagu Matchbox Twenty mulai diputar lagi. Hari kemarin, gue nggak fancy hidup gue. I don't fancy food. Fashion doesn't amuses me. Photography confuses me. What to do with my life, i'm asking my brain.
Lantas gue melihat manusia. Humans are interesting. Mereka bertindak tanpa menyadari kalau perbuatannya punya efek bola salju terhadap hidup orang lain. Mungkin kita cuma doing whatever feels good. Whatever i want, whatever i feel rights. Kadang bahkan gak memikirkan efeknya terhadap orang tua.
Gue misalnya, 5 tahun lalu memutuskan gak ikut wisuda. Karena seremonial itu ga signifikan buat hidup gue. Akibatnya gue menanggung 'utang' karena mama ternyata kepengen liat gue pake toga.
Seorang teman, menjalani hidup seperti keinginan orang tuanya. Namun ia tau, dan gue merasakannya, teman ini merasa belum menjalani hidup sebagai dirinya.
Cerita lain, didinginnya udara dini hari gue berucap: gue terlalu berlebihan menjalani hidup sebagai shinta. Gue gak merasa perlu memikirkan rasa orang lain. Sedangkan elo, lo lupa menjalani hidup sebagai diri lo. Lo jadi anak, jadi pacar, jadi kakak. Maka ketika lo sendirian, lo merasa hilang jati diri.
Gue melihat orang lain. Yang juga kebingungan dengan hidupnya, yang sedang meraba karir, yang sedang menata hati. Gue juga melihat mereka, yang melihat masa depan sejelas melihat telapak tangannya sendiri. Mereka yang terfokus merajut passion-nya, mewujudkan mimpinya.
Kembali melihat cermin. Memandangi my life going nowhere, doesnt it? Mungkin karena gue nggak terfokus pada satu hal. I do fashion, food, photography, with my half heart. Gue melihat mereka yang fokus di fashion, food, photography, pelan-pelan memantapkan langkahnya.
I don't fancy those things. I begin to stop fancy him. But i always knew, writing defines me.
Sayang, kemampuan menulis gue seperti halnya pengetahuan gue tentang fashion, food and photography, masih minim. Cuma setetes air dari 7 samudera di dunia.
Tik tok tik tok time is running out. Gue harus berenti menyelipkan kerinduan pada senyum wajah bulat itu dan mulai membuat lemonade dari lemon yang dikasih life.
Love life dan karir kok nasibnya sama: ultimate freelance.
'emangnya shinta mau main-main terus? kapan seriusnya?'
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